Photobooth Hire Trading
Photobooth Hire Holiday Trading
Booking Office closes for 2024: 20th December 2024
Booking Office re-opens for 2025: 13th January 2025

How is it that 2024 has come to a close? It’s been another awesome end of year season with school formals for 2024 graduates rolling into Christmas parties. It’s always a high energy way to finish off the year and we love it!
Our formal season was a particularly busy one with many returning customers and some new schools adding our booths to their celebrations as well. We’re hearing from customers that it can be quite difficult to confirm reservations for venue and services. This is due to the high peak of formals happening right when students complete Year Twelve. Our only suggestion to avoid this stress is book early! Our most organised return customers either book immediately after the previous year formal happens or first thing when school returns.
The compounding issue is also that there are only a small amount of venues large enough to seat an entire cohort, plus partners and in some cases, parents. Research large capacity venues in your area early and get one booked in! Another suggestion is to look at hosting the formal on a Monday or Tuesday evening, which are traditionally less popular than Wednesday through Friday.
When it comes to Christmas parties, anything goes! We’ve had some super fun themes this year which you’ll see from the prints below. We love that customers often go outside the traditional Christmas theme and incorporate anything and everything into their holiday celebrations. Any excuse for a fun theme we say! Working in with our customer’s ideas and themes is one of our favourites things to do.
As we close our 2024 photobooth hire trading, 2025 is looking bigger and better than ever. We have some product refinements on the cards as we constantly seek to make a better experience for our customers. 2025 is also In the Booth’s ‘Sweet Sixteenth’ birthday which is one to look forward to!
A peaceful, blessed and very merry Christmas to those on the road alongside us. As a small business, we simply would not be here without your support.