In the Booth Christmas Trading
In the Booth Christmas Trading Hours
Booking Office closes for 2020: 24th December 2020
Booking Office re-opens for 2021: 11th January 2021
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…”
Charles Dickens
What a year 2020 has been! There are no words to describe it. We haven’t experienced a year like it in our almost twelve years of existence. It seems hardly possible that we’re posting our In the Booth Christmas trading hours, but here we are! It has been both the shortest and the longest of years; a sentiment we’re sure you’ll understand.
We don’t believe we need to re-visit the negatives. Everyone is fully aware of the impact of COVID-19 on the Australian event industry and that of our customers. Instead, we’d like to re-visit some of the wonderful things that have happened this year.
We’re so thankful for your support
Even the hardest of days have been made easy by kind words over the phone or via a sweet review. Our customers, some who have had their special day delayed between two and three times, have been amazing. In a seemingly endless situation where no one is the winner, our customers have worked alongside us to reimagine their days. Be it during COVID or after, we are so thankful to our customers for their understanding and patience. Thanks for sticking with us guys. We can’t wait to create awesome photo booth experiences for you!
We are so proud to be an Australian small business
The onset of COVID has required Australian small businesses to think outside the box like never before. We have read daily of incredible business stories as companies do what they need to do to look after their staff today, but also to ensure they are able to do so into the future. We have taken the time COVID has provided to further tighten our ties to Australian products and services. We’ve worked harder to support other small businesses in our local areas wherever we can.
Our industry is incredible
It really, really is. It would be difficult to find an industry that COVID punched more squarely on the nose than weddings and special events. We’ve been restricted longer and harder than most. Countless businesses have suffered extensive losses. Yet these businesses continue to soldier on and put the needs of their customers first. While the outcome may not be what any of us desired, so many of our peers have acted responsibly to ensure they will be able to fulfil their promises to their customers many years into the future.
We are deeply proud of our team
This year has been not nice in so many ways. The days of not nice phone calls and emails were plenty. It has been stressful and upsetting. However, our team is quite literally stronger for it. It has prompted us to think outside the box daily. We have created new systems and procedures to protect our customers and our team. We’ve strengthened and updated old ones. New projects shelved due to lack of time have had the dust blown off and we’re now able to look forward to sharing them.
2021. Bring it on.
We’re looking forward to a fresh new year like never before. It’s time to fulfil some promises to our customers who have put their faith is us. Where 2020 has been the year of survival, 2021 will be the year of hope.
In the Booth Christmas Greetings
Wishing all our wonderful clients and industry friends a blessed Christmas, full of rest and recovery. We hope this time will be one of restoration and peace. Thank you so much again for your incredible support.
2021, we’re ready when you are.